National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago wins INTO Open Minds Award
April 3, 2019


The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) hosted its biennial conference in Bermuda; the 18th International Conference of National Trusts. The Heritage Keepers Programme by the National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago WON one of the 2019 Excellence Awards in the Open Minds Category.

National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago Heritage Preservation Research Officer Kara Roopsingh accepts the award from International National Trusts Organisation Secretary General Catherine Leonard.


Heritage Keepers

The National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago, has created a vibrant youth programme entitled “Heritage Keepers”. The goal of the heritage keepers project is to mould the minds of the youth to create citizens who have a lifelong passion for preserving our heritage. This project is designed and named to bring a sense of ownership and responsibility to the youth as a “Keeper” of Heritage. The project is being done in phases – phase one was completed in June 2018. It introduced the students to many local and national heritage sites using the Details Exhibition. The Details Exhibition came out of a volunteer photography project that enlisted volunteers, amateur and professional photographers to build on the catalogue of photos of heritage sites all around Trinidad and Tobago. The exhibition was displayed at venues around Trinidad and Tobago from 27th March 2017 and ended on the 12th June 2018.

The Heritage Keepers programme invigorates new interest among a previously untapped age bracket which is slowly changing the national rhetoric through the creation of Heritage Clubs in schools across the country. Phase two, launched in September 2018, builds on the introduction through creative and educational contact through the establishment of heritage clubs. Phase three is to generate interest in the heritage sector and thus produce heritage professionals.

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