Pitch Lake
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The Pitch Lake is a solidified hydrocarbon deposit and the largest actively worked hard asphalt deposit. The asphalt deposits at La Brea is approximately 113 acres and used to extend beyond the boundaries of the Pitch Lake to about mile from the nearest point of the Gulf of Paria. It was formed from the interaction of oil and gas, subjected to tremendous pressures over eons of time.

Asphalt was used both in the Old World and in the New World by the Accadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Indians (from the Mohenjodaro and Harrapa provinces). In ancient times, the Babylonians used asphalt for paving, construction and ornamental purposes, while Egyptians used it for Pharaonic embalming rituals. Asphalt has always been a general use sealant.

The lake, of natural asphalt, is found in the south-west peninsula of Trinidad. Once thought to be an inexhaustible source of pitch, it has provided Trinidad with a colourful legend.

The origin of the lake, according to legend, was after the sacrifice by the Chayma Indians, living in the area, of hundreds of hummingbirds in an attempt to appease the gods. Bedecking themselves in the feathers, their action provoked the gods to such anger that the earth opened up and swallowed the entire village. This lage mo0rass of ‘piche’ remained as a permanent stain.

“Tierra La Brea” as it was called by the Spanish, was visited by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1595, who used the pitch to caulk his ships, claiming that it was better than anything else he had previously used.

The pitch was not marketed commercially until the 1850’s. Trinidad provided the United States with its first paved road, Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, in 1872.


Address: Southern Main Road

Town/City: La Brea

Region: Siparia

Site Type: Natural Heritage

Ownership: Public

Public Accessibility:

Habitat: Lakes & Ponds

Eco-System: Terrestrial

Site Features:

Enjoy your VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE LA BREA PITCH LAKE by Roundtripin.com with the tour guide Mr. Garvin Charles!

  • Pitch Lake

    Pitch Lake


Southern Main Road, La Brea, Siparia

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